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Catastrophic Injury Law Firm
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Looking for an attorney skilled in catastrophic injury cases? If you are the victim of an accident which left you or a loved one with a catastrophic injury, and you’re unable to work because of that injury, you deserve justice.
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What is a Catastrophic Injury?
A catastrophic injury Per 42 USC § 3796b, is an injury with “direct and proximate consequences” that “permanently prevent an individual from performing any gainful work.” In simpler terms, a catastrophic injury is an injury in which the consequences of the injury permanently prevent an individual from working a job that provides them or their family with an income.

What are the different types of catastrophic injuries?
Catastrophic injuries come in various types. It’s important to be aware of which one you or a loved one may be a victim of so that you can take the appropriate next steps.
- Birth Injury
- Amputation
- Spinal cord injury
- Loss of hearing or sight
- Eye injury
- Facial injury
- Nerve damage
- Paralysis
- Brain injury
- Neurological damage
- Crush injury
Regardless of the type of catastrophic injury, these types of injuries not only affect the victims involved, but their families as well. Sometimes, the family members of the victims of a catastrophic accident may even quit their jobs to become a caretaker for their loved ones. However, this may not always be an option, and the financial commitment of hiring a full-time caretaker may be the path taken. Many times, this comes at an overwhelming cost for most families. Unfortunately, catastrophic injuries usually result in a limited future for victims as well as their families.
Case Results
Defendant made an illegal left turn in front of client, they collided. Client had significant soft tissue injuries, and required neck surgery.
Client had a prior neck injury from a skydiving accident, and was re-injured in an auto accident. Client received a payout despite being underinsured.
Bicycle client was riding in the bike lane; a car sped up to catch the light and crashed into client causing him to hit the hood and land on his neck.